Thank you to everyone who participated in the Capital Project vote. The proposition was approved with 426 in favor and 324 opposed.
Capital Project 2024
Success, Safety & Sports: A Building & Grounds Improvement Plan
Results Are In: The Capital Project Passed!
View the January 21 Kickoff Presentation
View the October 22 Public Presentation
January 2025 Update
Replace the main waterline from the Village into the Sr HS basement Cap Proj 2024
Replace the phones & PA systems (we will run the old systems in parallel until the new system is up and running) Cap Proj 2024
View Capital Project Video:
The Ellenville Board of Education is proposing a Facilities Improvement Capital Project that improves safety, enhances athletic fields and outdoor learning spaces, and makes upgrades to aging infrastructure, including code compliance and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The Capital Project is a phase in the district’s long range capital improvement financial planning, designed to sustain infrastructure of the district’s buildings and enhance benefits to students and the community.
The $22.3 million capital project funding plan leverages $2.5 million already set aside in a voter-approved Capital Reserve, which will offset the cost to taxpayers. New York State will also provide the district with Building Aid to cover 41.7% of the cost, significantly reducing the local share.
Why are we proposing this project now?
The project was developed by the Board of Education, whose members spent months conducting an extensive review of the district’s five-year Building Conditions Survey. This state-mandated report, developed by architects and engineers with expertise in school buildings, documents the status of facilities and is used to determine priorities and create strategic fiscal approaches to ensure the buildings are safe, operational, and up-to-date. By addressing the identified needs now, the Board is strategically making updates and preventing the need for larger, more expensive projects in the future.

Project Prioritizes
The proposed work prioritizes building safety, infrastructure preservation, code compliance, and improvements to athletic field/outdoor learning spaces. These learning spaces are not only used for the athletic program, but are also used for physical education classes, student events, and graduation ceremonies. In addition, many of the outdoor spaces are enjoyed by the community and local organizations in the evenings, on weekends, and during school breaks. The project is anticipated to be completed by December of 2027. (See list of proposed work below.)
How will we pay for the project?
What’s Included
Physical Education/Athletic Fields
Existing Community Pool House
How to Vote
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For Voting Questions:
Contact the District Clerk's Office:
Address: 28 Maple Avenue, Ellenville
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Phone: 845-647-0100
For More Information
Email us at
Call Assistant Superintendent Vince Napoli at 845.647.0115