Letter from the supt

December 28, 2023

Dear Ellenville Students and Families, 

I am writing to provide two important reminders to the members of our school community.  

Reminder 1

Gel/Water Bead Blasters, Toy Weapons, Prohibited at School

There have been recent incidents of students bringing gel/water bead blasters - sometimes referred to as “orbeez guns” - to school. These blasters - which use high-pressure air to shoot off gel/water beads - are considered weapons. Weapons, as well as toy guns and imitation firearms, are strictly prohibited on school property as noted in our Code of Conduct.

While students may view these blasters as harmless toys, they have the potential to cause widespread panic and fear. Additionally, an imitation gun may be mistaken for a real firearm,  prompting a lockdown and/or response by law enforcement. A response by law enforcement is a very serious matter with the potential for serious consequences.

Gel/water bead blasters, or any other toy or imitation gun, are not to be brought onto school property for any reason and students found to be in possession of these items will be disciplined under the Code of Conduct and may face potential long-term suspension from school for their actions. We urge parents/guardians to remind their children of the danger of bringing gel/water bead blasters, or any other toy or imitation gun, to school and the consequences of doing so.

Reminder 2

Code of Conduct Regarding Fighting and Social Media Posting

The District has learned that several Instagram accounts are being used to share altercations between students. Some of these altercations have taken place on our campus; others have taken place in the community. The District is working with local law enforcement and Instagram to have these accounts deleted. More importantly, the District is working to ensure that all of these incidents are fully investigated and that those involved in the fights and the recording and/or posting of these fights are identified and held accountable under our Code of Conduct.  

We know that the vast majority of our students are not engaged in the behavior reflected in these videos, but we want to take this opportunity to remind all our students and families that safety is our top priority and that the Code of Conduct prohibits:

  • Committing or attempting to commit any act of violence.

  • Promoting, inciting, or encouraging violent or disruptive behavior.

  • Using cell phones in any manner that invades the privacy of students, employees, volunteers, or visitors.

  • The recording and uploading of any activity that takes place during the school day or at school activities.

Additionally, students may be held accountable for off-campus behavior that creates or has the potential to create a disruptive school environment.

We urge all students and their families to report any acts or potential acts of violence involving students to a school administrator so the incidents may be fully investigated. 

We appreciate your attention to these two important matters. Thank you for your commitment to supporting a safe school environment for our children.


Lisa A. Wiles

Superintendent of Schools